Halloween isn’t that big here in Australia. Although, it’s getting more popular and certainly there are a lot more things in the shops with a Halloween theme now than there was a few years ago, but as far as Trick or Treat goes, it’s a bit hit and miss around our way.
One year we had lots of callers, then the following year nobody showed up!! I had a bit of a calorie overload that year eating all the Lollies (Candy) myself!
This year I hope a few little kids get dressed up and come calling. They look so sweet when they’re all decked out in their costumes 🙂
I’ve made some little boxes to give them, which I’ll fill with M & Ms or Smarties.
I bought & adapted a Samantha Walker Design from the Silhouette store. Here it is.
The pattern is a piggy back box where two boxes are co-joined. All I did to adapt the pattern was use the knife tool to slice the boxes apart and then I added an extra tab where it was needed on one side. So easy!
I attached coloured cardstock to the inside before assembling the boxes which made the spider design really pop.
Here’s a pic of the original design.
rebecca @ older and wisor says
I never thought about Halloween not being a “worldwide” holiday. These are so adorable, it would be a cryin’ shame not to be able to pass them out!
GetSilvered says
Thanks for visiting Rebecca and for your kind comments. fortunately we did get quite a few callers this year, so my efforts weren’t in vain.