I’ve been getting a few queries about the use of my Files and about my blog in general. So, I’m answering some of the queries I get below.
Please feel free to contact me via my contact page if you have any further questions that aren’t answered below.
About My Free Cutting Files.
I design the Cutting Files that I offer on this blog with the Silhouette Studio Software that is for use with the Silhouette Brand of Cutting Machines, which is the machine I use. The files are saved in Silhouette’s native format.
Sorry, but at this time I do not offer SVG format or any other formats that other brands of cutting machines use.
Update: Sept 2016. I am gradually converting my files so they are available in SVG Format. Here’s the link to the Free SVG Index Page
Copyright on my Free Files.
My files are free for personal use only. You are welcome to make items with my designs for personal use or to give away as gifts. However, no commercial use is allowed. That means you can not make items to sell with these files or sell the files themselves.
While I design most of my files from scratch in the software program, I occasionally use other resources in my designs, such as images or fonts. I always check the copyright on these resources first, and use them within the copyright terms of the creators and credit where appropriate. As many of these resources are also for non commercial use, it may inadvertently breach the copyright of others, if you use these files of mine for commercial purposes.
Please do not distribute my files (eg: emailing the cutting files to others or uploading to Facebook groups, selling etc) If you’d like to share my files with your friends please feel free to share my blog links instead so people can come here and get the files for themselves. Thanks for that 🙂
Want to feature my project on your blog?
If you would like to feature one of my projects/designs on your own blog or in or include it in a roundup post, please feel free to use one of my photos from my post on the condition that you link back to my original post in your post. Resizing is permitted but do not alter the image in other ways or remove my watermark. It is not permitted to copy my text or my entire blog post.
I remove any hot linked images if I discover them.
Current from April 2015. Up till now this has been a non commercial blog .
I am now an affiliate for the Silhouette School blog. If you click through from my site via links on my side bar or in my posts and subsequently purchase “The Ultimate Silhouette Guide” E Book I will receive a small commission, although you will not incur any extra costs because of it. This will help fund my blog and I thank you for supporting me if you do make a purchase via my link. .
Thanks for visiting – I hope you enjoy my file and other projects. I’d love it if you shared my blog on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google etc to let others know about the my blog.
Thanks 🙂